viernes, enero 25, 2008


Mi casa....My design.
It turn out awesome!!!!!
Those flowery pillows are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen I bought them in "Arte campo" In Bolivia and they are hand embroidered by women and Men in the locality of La Asunta Santa Cruz. Bolivian art gallore!!!!
Bellisimo!!! ( el arte digo)
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4 comentarios:

CUCHITA dijo...

esta bellisima tu casa negra, me muero de la envidia jejeje

Carmen dijo...

Gracias comadre!!!!

... dijo...

Stephan wants to know if Mike has recovered from the Packers game last week. We know a good counselor if he needs one.

Carmen dijo...

Well, he is moaning in every corner of the house. So I think the answer is NO. However, he is soooo happy the Bears did not make it!!!!! :)

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